Step 1: Put the Rooster Saver on your rooster
🐓 Place the two halves together so that the width is suitable for the length of your rooster's neck (1 1/4" for most roosters. 1 1/2" - 1 3/4" for very large roosters), keeping soft under side of ALL FOUR tabs/teeth attached to the rough outer side of the other half so that it can be quickly removed in an emergency.
🐓 Hold the collar so that the loop (soft) side is facing the skin/feathers.
🐓 Calm and comfort your rooster as you place the collar around his neck.
🐓 Position the collar just below the hackle feathers on the neck, feeling for where the skin widens towards the shoulders.
🐓Place the collar ON TOP OF the feathers that are smoothed out below that point to provide natural padding and help keep the collar in place.
🐓 Ensure the feathers are smooth and not folded towards the rooster's head for better acceptance and adjustment.
Step 2: Adjust the Rooster Saver
🐓 Do not leave immediately after tightening the collar; listen to your rooster's breathing and observe body language for 10 minutes after tightening the collar.
🐓 If a pinky finger can fit between the collar and the skin, and your rooster tries to remove it by running backward, he is fine.
🐓 If your rooster drops his head and tail for an extended period, the collar is too tight. Loosen it.
🐓 Watch your rooster's actions for 30 minutes; if behavior is not normal, loosen the collar more.
🐓 If your rooster looks like he is attempting to vomit, the collar is too tight and too high on his neck. Loosen it and move it lower.
🐓 Use SMALL adjustments; do not tighten more than 1/8" at a time (1/8" too tight can potentially lead to your rooster's death).
🐓 Comfort your rooster while adjusting the collar.
Step 3: Ensure that the Rooster Saver is safely adjusted
🐓 Keep a watchful eye on your feathered friend! Remember to PROMPTLY REMOVE THE COLLAR (by firmly holding the short end of the top half and quickly peeling it off) if you notice any of the following signs:
- If your rooster starts kicks (death kicks)
- If you see his crown and crop turning to a dark purple or blue color (he is suffocating)
- If your rooster falls over
- If hear him gurgling
And finally, make sure to remove any items from your house, coop or run that the collar can snag on.
Remember: observation, calm handling and a snag-free environment are the keys to insuring that your rooster is SAFELY wearing the Rooster Saver crow collar! 🌟